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Health and Well-being in Prison Design:
A Theory of Prison Systems and a Framework for Evolution



"Health and Well-Being in Prison Design is an overview of how prison architecture and design can support psychological and ethical principles to enable offenders’ rehabilitation. I highly recommend this book to those who want to develop the prison system."

Pia Puolakka, Project Manager of Smart Prison project, Criminal Sanctions Agency, Finland

Available on Routledge and Amazon.

"Health and Well-Being in Prison Design is an academically grounded plea for more humanity in prison design. Prisons are not containers for holding human beings securely. Dr. Urrutia-Moldes reminds us that well-designed prison facilities are essential for the enhancement of inmates’ health and well-being. A much-needed guide for prison designers and policy-makers, this book pinpoints key human factors affecting well-being in prison and, ultimately, the prisoners’ rehabilitation chances. The important message is that there is no need to choose between security and well-being in prisons. Security can be strengthened by improving the inmates’ well-being, also through careful and considerate prison design."

Piera Barzanò, former Senior Interregional Advisor (Penal reform), UNODC, Vienna

"In this book, you will identify the philosophies behind architectural models of prisons, which focus on repression, security, rehabilitation, or hybrid approaches. By disclosing the physical and psychological aggressors on the well-being of inmates and prison staff, this monograph emerges as a critical tool to make evidence-based decisions, particularly for developing countries, to promote positive and lasting change."

Alberto Urzúa Toledo, Director of the Centre for Public Innovations for Latin America

"Dr Urrutia-Moldes has written a comprehensive, must-read text on how the justice system can contribute to a more civilized society through improved design of prisons. His analysis of the pathways to intelligent and humane prison design is excellent. This book will serve as a wake-up call for prison designers as well as correctional authorities.

I recommend this book to anyone interested in the development of our prison systems. It will give you a rare insight into prison design, whether you are a government official, social scientist, designer, or first-year student. I hope that this book will be a required curriculum in education, from prison staff to students of architecture and social sciences.

Health and Well-Being in Prison Design by Dr Urrutia-Moldes is a good read and highly relevant for designers not only of prisons but also of other social institutions for vulnerable citizens."

Stein Erik Laeskogen MSc., Principal Engineer, The Norwegian Directorate of Public Construction and Property (Statsbygg)

Conference proceedings and papers

Urrutia-Moldes, A., 2015, Using lighting to enhance positive behaviour in prison. Proc.28th CIE Session, Manchester, UK.

Arquitectura Penal para una Reinserción Social


(Prison Architecture for Social Reinsertion)


Urrutia-Moldes, A. (2012). El Problema Penitenciario. (The prison problem).  In Urrutia-Moldes, A., Morgado, P. and Seguel, L. (2012) “1er Seminario de Arquitectura Penal para una Reinserción Social” (pp. 20–27). Concepción, Chile.


Edited by:

Morgado-Uribe, Patricio; Urrutia-Moldes, Alberto; Seguel-Briones, Leonardo

Published by:

Universidad del Bio-Bio, Chile

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© 2023 by Alberto Urrutia-Moldes

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