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Projects Managed

2021 - 2022 

Eleven-month international study on the built environment in the prisons and detention centres of two countries, Bolivia and Honduras, and the evaluation of its consequences on people's lives, financed by the European Commission through the European Human Rights Instrument.

2016 - 2019 

International research on health and well-being in prison design, with prison visits and data collection in Norway, Finland, Austria, Denmark, England, Germany, the USA, and Chile 


Facility management organisation of CP Bio-Bio


Organising the first international conference in prison architecture and rehabilitation held in Chile


GIS project for the ‘Georeferentiation of offences and offenders’ residence for tailored intervention


Design and construction of a nursery at the female section of the Concepcion Prison


Works regional policlinic, Bio-Bio region


Reconstruction works CDP San Carlos


Reconstruction works CDP Lebu

Reconstruction of various dependences CDP Yungay


Reconstruction of the perimeter wall CCP Colonel


Program: Construction fire networks various prison units


Perimeter wall repair / reconstruction CDP Yumbel


Enabling dependencies for professionals in the youth section CCP Concepción


Electrical repair post fire CCP Concepción

Dry fire network repair of CCP Chillan

Regularization CCP Chillan nursing works


Reconstruction of the perimeter wall CCP Bulnes


Standardization of main electrical feeders CCP Concepción

Replacement of kitchen, internal guard and electrical system of these dependencies CCP Concepción


Repair and reconstruction sector modules 1 and 2 CCP Concepción


Repair and reconstruction of warehouses and library CCP Concepción


Repair and reconstruction of various common areas CCP Concepción stage 2


Repair and reconstruction of various common areas CCP Concepción stage 1


Repair and reconstruction of CCP Concepción therapeutic community


Repair and reconstruction module 3 and minor works module 1 and 2 CCP Concepción


Repair / reconstruction of various works CCP Chillan stage 1 and 2


Reconstruction of perimeter wall CDP Yungay


Design and construction of access to the cp Bio-Bio and CCP Concepción


Demolition CDP Los Angeles and works of administrative building


Improvement of the electrical system in CDP Mulchen


Improvement of electrical installations of the coronel penitentiary compliance centre, 2nd stage


Implementation of the new dependencies of CRS Concepción


Relocation of regional directorate office of Gendarmería at the Bio-Bio region

Program for the improvement of electrical installations in various penal units

© 2023 by Alberto Urrutia-Moldes

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